Important Notice: ValeLearning Hotline + Support options will be unavailable from December 23 until December 30. During this time, please reach out to your Vale Site Contact person for support.

Critical Activities Requirements (CAR) Training

CARs are intended to establish minimum requirements for performing critical activities in order to protect people from significant harm.

Please Note: Effective February 10, 2023, contractors working in Ontario operations are not required to complete the following Car Modules:

  • CAR08: Ground Stability Orientation
  • CAR09: Explosives Orientation
  • CAR10: Working with Electricity Orientation

These awareness modules provide an overview of the updated CARs that are in the process of being fully implemented across our operations.


CAR Questionnaire

To determine what CARs you need to complete, please answer the questions within our questionnaire to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, please reach out to our dedicated hotline + support team.

Begin Questionnaire
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