API Documentation.
Version: 3.0.15
By using the ValeLearning API Platform, you can access and integrate records into your third-party application.
Getting Started.
To get started using the ValeLearning API, please review the following sections:
Before You Start Register With L&DBefore You Start
You will need:
- ValeLearning API Credentials which consist of client ID and client Access Token.
- A browser to run your query which will export JSON data; or
- A command-line tool such as Terminal or an app like Postman that can perform requests and handle JSON data.
Register With L&D
Before your ValeLearning API Credentials are issued, we need to verify the legitimacy of your third-party application. Please fill out the following form to request a developer account. Developer accounts contain your unique ValeLearning API Credentials.
API Structure.
There are two (2) main components to the ValeLearning API:
Request Structure Response Structure Basic Request ExampleAPI Request Structure
ValeLearning API requests require the following URL parameters:
Your ValeLearning API Client ID. Please review the Before You Start section for more information.
Your ValeLearning API Client Secret. Please review the Before You Start section for more information.
The ValeLearning API Scope determines the type of request. Avialable public scopes are:
The default value parameter for the ValeLearning API. The {VALUE} parameter is used to target a specific response from the ValeLearning API.
Some ValeLearning API Scopes require a date object to be passed over the URL parameters. The {START_START} parameter requires a date string in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Please note that no time data is required.
The {END_DATE} parameter requires the same format as the {START_START} parameter.
ValeLearning API responses will always default to JSON format. There is limited support for exporting data as a downloadable CSV file. The response option is declared in the {TYPE} parameter.
- json (JSON format)
- csv (downloadable CSV format)
Please note that these responses requested as CSV will still output JSON data, but a downloadable link to the generated file will be included in the response. CSV support is available for all public scopes, except for:
- validate_token
If your application requires a callback function, you can request a unique {CALL} by including a numerical callback parameter in your API request.
API Response Structure
There are three (3) types of responses for public ValeLearning API requests:
Error Response
"error":"The contractor ID does not exist in the ValeLearning contractor database.",
"client": "{CLIENT_ID}",
"secret": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"origin": "https://api.valelearning.ca/auth?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={ACCESS_TOKEN}&scope=user_profile&value=1234567&response_type=json"
"Error":"DEPRECIATED KEY: See error data for details."
Error responses contain the following JSON objects:
- error: The error key contains a description of the error.
- response: The response key will either contain the result from the ValeLearning database or an error response. In the example above, the result was empty, which is why the error was thrown.
- target_value: The value key is the data you're passing onto the ValeLearning database, in the example above it's the target for a contractor search.
- scope: The selected scope for the request.
- client: Your ValeLearning API Client ID.
- secret: Your ValeLearning API Client Secret.
- origin: The request origin URL.
Success Response
"success":"Your requested CSV export has been successfully generated. Your download should start shortly.",
"client": "{CLIENT_ID}",
"secret": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"origin": "https://api.valelearning.ca/auth?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={ACCESS_TOKEN}&scope=user_profile&value=OTA3307&response_type=csv"
Success responses contain a similar structure as error responses, except for these JSON objects:
- success: The success key contains a description of the success.
- response: The response contains a successful response from the ValeLearning server. In the example above, the result is the destination of a CSV file.
Successful Data Output Response
"id": 1234,
"FirstName": "Brad",
"LastName": "Danks",
"ValeID": "OTA3307",
"DateOfBirth": "1994-06-12",
"ContractorPhone": "7051234567",
"ContractorEmail": "test@vale.com",
"ContractorOccupation": "Other",
"ContractorLocation": "Sudbury, ON",
"CompanyName": "VALE CANADA",
"CompanyPhone": "7051234567",
"EmergencyName": "Kelly Danks",
"EmergencyPhone": "7051234567",
"Type": "N",
"RecordUpdated": "2024-08-15",
Successful data output responses vary between request scopes, however the data is structured in JSON. The example above is for a contractor profile export (user_profile) requested in JSON format.
Basic Request Example
Below is an example of validating your ValeLearning API Credentials. Notice the request scope we're using is referenced in the list above.
If your ValeLearning API Credentials are valid, you will receive the following successful JSON response.
"success": "Account Validated. Your CLIENT_ID and ACCESS_TOKEN are valid.",
"scope": "validate_token",
"client": "{CLIENT_ID}",
"secret": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"origin": "https://api.valelearning.ca/auth?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={ACCESS_TOKEN}&scope=validate_token&value=check&response_type=json"
Supported Public API Scopes.
The following sections outline each available scope:
Validate Token Get Datasheet Get Serials Get Profiles User Profile Course Export Region ExportValidate Token
Scope: validate_token
The above scope is used to verify your ValeLearning API credentials.
Get Datasheet
Scope: get_datasheet
The above scope exports ValeLearning datasheets.
Datasheets contain various information ranging from the module library to valid Vale Operations. Available {SHEET} types are as follows:
- modules: ValeLearning Module Library
- locations: Available Vale Operations
- occupations: Supported Occupation Types
- vendors_ontario: Vale Certified Ontario Vendor List
- vendors_manitoba: Vale Certified Manitoba Vendor List
- vendors_newfoundland: Vale Certified Newfoundland Vendor List
- vendors_unitedkingdom: Vale Certified United Kingdom Vendor List
Get Serials
Scope: get_serials
The above scope exports all generated Vale Contractor Pass Numbers (C100000 Series) from ValeLearning.ca. The Number Generator was migrated to ValeLearning in June of 2022.
Get Profiles
Scope: get_profiles
The above scope exports contractor profiles that have been updated within a targeted date range. This is the only scope that supports {START_DATE} and {END_DATE} parameters that target when the profile was last updated or created. If you wish to export all contractors, then set both parameters to "all".
User Profile
Scope: user_profile
The above scope exports a single contractor profile. Replace {CONTRACTOR_ID} with the contractor's unique Vale ID.
Course Export
Scope: course_export
The above scope exports training records for a specific ValeLearning training module. Replace {COURSE_ID} with any module ID from our Module Library. Please note that this scope is locked for 2500 results per request. If you require more results, please contact the system administrator.
Region Export
Scope: region_export
The above scope exports contractors by Vale region.
Available {REGION_ID} options are as follows:
- 1: Port Colborne, ON
- 2: Sudbury, ON
- 3: Long Harbour, NL
- 4: Voiseys Bay, NL
- 5: Thompson, MB
- 6: Clydach, UK
Training Index.
The ValeLearning training index is outlined below:
Module Status Module LibraryModule Status
Our module library contains all current and depreciated training modules. Since contractor training is always changing, ValeLearning keeps records even if those records are no longer considered valid or have been replaced with an updated module.
Modules may be placed under the following status:
- active: The module is considered valid training.
- paused: The module is considered valid training but new contractor registrations have been suspended. This is usually due to the module being replaced by updated training.
- depreciated: The module has been removed from ValeLearning's course offerings. This is usually due to the module being replaced or the site/operation being closed.
Module Library ( items)
Below are the full course offerings from ValeLearning.ca. A more detailed overview can be accessed through the Data Sheets panel in your ValeLearning Management account.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this API documentation, please contact us at:
Maurice Osborne BSc. BEd.
Manager, Learning & Development, North Atlantic Operations
KMK Place, 2nd Level
18 Hebron Way
St. John's, NL, A1A 0L9
P: 1.709.330.1015
Matthew Urso
Senior Developer and ValeLearning Project Lead, OvertheAtlantic Interactive Limited (OTA)
OTA™ Creative. Candid. Insightful.
P: 1.705.521.2231